Friday, September 15, 2006

Becky's Jingle Bob

5x7 Oil on Canvas

This is my sisters spur rightfully named Becky's Jingle Bob. The Jingle Bob is the small metal thing that hangs down and clinks back and forth on the round burr making sounds as the cowboy or cowgirl walks. I arranged this spur on the table to paint it. Unbeknownst to me, I placed the spur upside down. After I finished the painting I realized the spur was upside down. Aww well, I enjoyed painting it just the same.

It's Friday, have a greet weekend. Don't forget to stop in next week to see what I'm painting.



Mary said...

Paula I don't think it matters it looks just as good. I love this one.

Jan Blencowe said...

Paula....I'm so glad to see your work posted on the Daily painters blog....they all look really wonderful, you're doing great!!
JanB (from WC)